
Guest appearance on An Exciting Offer Season 6

Mr Gordon Chan and Ms Kimberlie Chu appeared as guest coaches on the latest season of the popular legal internship reality show An Exciting Offer Season 6 (令人心動的 offer 6), presenting a challenge focused on animal welfare.

Protecting Cats and Dogs in Traffic Accidents

It has long been the case that a driver does not need to stop in a traffic accident involving injuries to cats and dogs. That has changed since November 2021. Failing to stop in those cases is now a criminal offence.

Interview on Tightening of Cat Trade

Mr Gordon Chan discussed the new Government measures to tighten the cat trade in Hong Kong in an interview with Broadcast News Network, an online media run by journalism students from HKBU.

Child and the Dog

People love pets these days. We love giving them treats and head scratches. But on occasion, we do get hurt by these cute predators. When it does, what are the legal consequences for the pet owner?

Don’t Mess with Cats

On the same day (23/5), two persons were convicted of crimes related to cruelty to cats. In both cases, veterinarian evidence was essential in assessing the defendant’s culpability.

An Animal Farm of Horror

Following complaints of animal yowling and missing dogs, an illegal poaching ground was discovered in Tseung Kwan O.

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